It started as some trips into the wilderness around Ottawa, namely around Wakefield, and the Ottawa River, to hang out with friends old and new and have some fun. What developed was our taste for adventure, particularly of the whitewater river adventure variety. Some of us had skills, others did not. We all had the appetite. The skills followed, for the most part. Now, looking back on some 8 years of Ontario canoe trips (French River, Madawaska River in July, Upper Magnetawan River, Lower Magnetawan River, Petawawa River, Barron Canyon/Smith Falls, Ottawa River, and Wakefield), the hope is that every year will bring a new tale and a new destination in this rich and wild province of ours. That every year our skill in the boats will have come a little further.
We’ve learned a few things along the way, and we want to preserve what we saw and did – for ourselves, and for anyone looking to take Ontario canoe trips, especially down a river with some rapids.
These are our canoe trip reports.